Reach out with one of our lovely Braille and Tactile Greeting Cards … a unique card for a special person to mark an important occasion

How many times have you scanned the card displays in your local shop and wondered why so few of the supposedly tactile cards they have are properly tactile, or why none of them seem to have an accompanying message … in Braille?

You Might say, But you can get cards online! What about using a smart phone and just texting or emailing your card to that person in your life? I would posit that if one is a print reader, one has the choice of walking into a popular card shop on the high street or in the shopping mall and selecting a greeting card off the shelf. Yards and yards of card shelves … metres and metres of tiered, catogorised cards for all occasions! Why shouldn’t you have the choice of buying Braille, as well?

Excellent Reasons for Purchasing our Cards

Our cards contain both raised print and Braille text, so whether your friend is a Braille reader, the message in the card is readable.

Not only that, but the variety of images in our card collection provide some unexpected benefits.

  • How many blind people can distinguish the drawing of a daisy from that of a sunflower?
  • How many of us know what a figure feels like when it’s drawn in profile rather than facing forward?
  • What about if the figure in the picture is holding up a scroll, book or flowers, … something which blocks part of the person from view?
  • These almost incidental tactile snapshots can teach us how to better appreciate art.

Perspective and three-dimensionality, as well as the depiction of movement and light are all concepts that you can begin to have an inkling of, even if you can’t see, with the enriching addition of our tactile greeting cards.

One of our directors is blind; … the other has a tremendous eye for beautiful and tactually-relevant art. They have a strong sense of what makes good tactile interpretation; an artistic sensibility, and adherence to consistent guidelines, with a healthy ability to ask creative questions. Our Braille and tactile greeting cards, as is the case with all of the other tactile graphics we sell, are hand-crafted using a high-quality technique which produces crisp images, durable Braille and a spectacular visual effect.

Our cards typically have the following basic characteristics:

Basic Description of our Braille and Tactile Greeting Cards

  • Cards are hand-crafted using a high-quality technique which produces crisp images, durable Braille and a spectacular visual effect;
  • Clear crisp images and text, pleasant to touch, interesting to discover and spectacular to look at;
  • The cover image is often in colourful raised print;
  • The cover text is similarly in colourful Braille and raised print;
  • The inside text, except on the cards which are deliberately left blank so they can be personalised, is in colourful Braille and raised print;
  • Images and text convey an appropriate sentiment for the card.

We are always adding products and we invite you to sign up for updates on the Tactile Vision Graphics site, for product updates.

Purchase our Tactile and Braille Greeting Cards online at our shop.

Find them on Amazon at our shop.

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