If you purchase the Tactile Atlas of the UK and Ireland from our website this week, it’s on sale! here. Purchase the Tactile Atlas of the UK and Ireland at www.TactileVisionGraphics.com
Why Keyboard Navigation is Useful, Product Sale and Custom Feature
I wonder how many times we’ve said or heard the phrase:
Just right-click on that…or
If you hover over it with your mouse ….but this paragraph extols the merits of keyboard navigation.
Now Hiring: Marketing and Sales Representative
Now Hiring! Tactile Vision Graphics Inc., a manufacturer of and distributor of braille materials, is looking for a Marketing and Sales Representative for our publishing house and print shop. Closing Date: July 14, 2017, 5PM ET
Grand Opening at Tactile Vision Graphics
Companies looking to meet the Accessibility Legislation deadline of 2025 just got a helping hand in Windsor Our newest accessibility company, Tactile Vision Graphics, opened its doors for business on April 2 and is welcoming the public to its premises…
Tactile Paintings Da Vinci Decoded
Shirley Confino-Rehder made an earth-shattering discovery when she realised that a vision-impaired visitor to a museum could literally hold the Western World’s great art in a tactile form, rather than have it described on a wall. This article tells the story of her quest to bring tactile paintings to the blind.